April 16, 2018


  • Hamlet
    • Today, please work on revising the essays we wrote on the rising action of Act II. The sub will return your papers with my feedback. Here are some general notes to think about as you rework:
      • Consider that we now have the full scope of the plot. When we originally wrote these essays, we had only read to the end of Act II, but now that we are aware of all of the events, perhaps you can add new insight to sections of your paper.
      • Review the prompt / topic. The main subject of the paper is how Act II is the rising action of the play, so make sure you connect each paragraph to the idea of rising action.
      • The prompt / topic specifically asks you to develop three main aspects of the rising action  Each should be the main focus of a body paragraph:
        1. How a character is developed
        2. How a conflict is developed
        3. How a relationship intensifies
      • Circling means something is wrong with spelling/grammar/punctuation.
      • Underlining and checks mean I'm following your points.
      • Conclusion ideas- Since the paper is asking you to comment on how three elements of the play contribute to the rising action of the entire play, consider that the conclusion should comment on this. A literary analysis conclusion usually seeks to streamline the ideas presented in the paper and connect them to the overall topic of the paper (rising action).
    • At the end of class, turn in your work. Attach any new material to the front of your original bundle. I will have a look at what you did today and make a due date for a final draft next time I see you.
  • Reminders:
    • Twitter Hamlet will be graded this week. If you decided to do the alternate assignment, I should already have it. I will accept them until Tuesday.
    • AP m/c practices for points will start again today, 4 pm.
  • AP M/C Practice: 
    • When you come to take a 15-minute after school m/c practice, you will receive your scantron and test back the next time I see you. 
    • If you made 50%+, your grade on the original test will already be changed to reflect 10 more points. 
    • I expect you to go over the answers using the keys you will find in this folder. (You will have to sign in to your school account to view the keys.)
    • Dates for the practices are on the calendar.

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