August 29, 2017


Welcome to your senior year of high school! Today, we did the following:
  • Syllabus distributed: HW due Thurs. 8/31/17- Read the syllabus carefully. Come to class with the syllabus marked in the following ways:
    1. Highlight at least 5 items that you feel are the most important to remember.
    2. Write any questions you have in the margin of the syllabus.
    3. Put a star by any items on the syllabus about which you would like more information.
  • Info Page distributed: HW due Thurs. 8/31/17- Complete the page and have it ready to turn in at the beginning of class.
  • HW due Mon. 9/4/17- Beowulf timeline. Research the time period when Beowulf may have happened and when it was probably written down. Create a timeline that indicates these periods as well as at least seven world events / notable people living at this time.

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