August 31, 2017


  • HW due Tues. 9/5/17- Beowulf timeline. Research the time period when Beowulf may have happened and when it was probably written down. Create a timeline that indicates these periods as well as at least seven world events / notable people living at this time. Give dates (approximate are OK) and put events in time order on the continuum. Be sure to leave lots of extra space on the timeline so that you can add more from your classmates on Tuesday. Here are some resources to help you find events for your timeline:

August 29, 2017


Welcome to your senior year of high school! Today, we did the following:
  • Syllabus distributed: HW due Thurs. 8/31/17- Read the syllabus carefully. Come to class with the syllabus marked in the following ways:
    1. Highlight at least 5 items that you feel are the most important to remember.
    2. Write any questions you have in the margin of the syllabus.
    3. Put a star by any items on the syllabus about which you would like more information.
  • Info Page distributed: HW due Thurs. 8/31/17- Complete the page and have it ready to turn in at the beginning of class.
  • HW due Mon. 9/4/17- Beowulf timeline. Research the time period when Beowulf may have happened and when it was probably written down. Create a timeline that indicates these periods as well as at least seven world events / notable people living at this time.