January 30, 2018


  • Winter break reading book conferences are underway. Remember to bring your book and discussion question.

January 26, 2018


  • Winter break reading book conferences are underway. Remember to bring your book and discussion question.
  • Hamlet
    • Online text is available here. It is not exactly the same as the handout copy, but if yours is misplaced or you are absent,  you can use this link to keep up with your reading assignments.
    • Here is a really good online dictionary that can help you with Shakespeare's language. (There is a search feature in the upper right corner.)
    • Today:
      • Discussion / notes for Act I, scene 3.
      • In-class assignments: 
      • HW due Tues. 1/30/18:
        • Read and annotate to the end of Act I, which is scences4-5. Pay particular attention to unfamiliar words and define them in your text. 
        • Complete the study guide for I, 4-5.

January 24, 2018


  • Winter break reading book conferences are underway. Remember to bring your book and discussion question.
  • Hamlet
    • Online text is available here. It is not exactly the same as the handout copy, but if yours is misplaced or you are absent,  you can use this link to keep up with your reading assignments.
    • Here is a really good online dictionary that can help you with Shakespeare's language. (There is a search feature in the upper right corner.)
    • Today:
      • Discussion / notes for Act I, scene 2.
      • In-class assignment: Paraphrase Hamlet's soliloquy in I, 2 (line 129+)
      • HW due Fri. 1/26/18:
        • Read and annotate to the end of I, 3. Pay particular attention to unfamiliar words and define them in your text. 
        • Complete the study guide for I, 3.

January 22, 2018


    • Winter break reading book conferences are underway. Remember to bring your book and discussion question.
    • Hamlet
      • Online text is available here. It is not exactly the same as the handout copy, but if yours is misplaced or you are absent,  you can use this link to keep up with your reading assignments.
      • Here is a really good online dictionary that can help you with Shakespeare's language. (There is a search feature in the upper right corner.)
      • Discussion / notes for p. 5-7 of Act I, scene 1.
      • In-class assignment: Act I, scene 2
      • HW due Wed. 1/24/18:
        • Read and annotate to the end of I, 2. Pay particular attention to unfamiliar words and define them in your text. 
        • Complete the study guide for I, 2.

January 18, 2018


January 16, 2018


January 11, 2018


  • Winter break reading conferences are underway. Remember to bring your book and your discussion question.
  • Overview of MLA for source list. MLA Resources:
  • Group work on Shakespeare background video project
  • Assignment turned in today: List of all responsibilities for each group member
  • Upcoming:
    • Tues. 1/16/18: In-class work on development of project; Script and list of sources due at the end of class.
    • Thurs. 1/18/18: You will be given 30 minutes of class to discuss progress with your group
    • Sat. 1/20/18: Project due by 12 midnight

January 10, 2018


  • Shakespeare Basics Video Project
    • Timeline:
      • Wed. 1/10/18: Project introduction & research
      • Fri. 1/12/18: Research; List of group member responsibilities due at the end of the period
      • Tues. 1/16/18: In-class work on development of project; Script and list of sources due at the end of class.
      • Thurs. 1/18/18: You will be given 30 minutes of class to discuss progress with your group
      • Sat. 1/20/18: Project due by 12 midnight