- Beowulf concluding assignments were due yesterday.
- College Admissions Essay:
- TO TURN IN YOUR DRAFT: You must email me in a separate email that a draft is ready in your folder. I will not be notified by Google Docs that you have added a document to the folder or that you are ready for me to look at it.
- I believe I am up to date with looking at 3rd drafts. If you turned in a new draft since our conference, check to see if you have comments in the doc and an email. If you don't, send me an email that your draft is ready so I know to look for it in your folder.
- All college admissions essays must be finalized (final draft graded) by Friday, Nov. 10 so the last day I will accept them is Wed. Nov. 8.
- POW: Shakespearean Sonnet
- 1B: "Sonnet LV" by William Shakespeare
- 4B: "Sonnet XCVII" by William Shakespeare
- For Wed. 11/1/17: Research the qualities of a Shakespearean sonnet and apply it to this week's poem. Be able to discuss these elements on Wed.
- For Fri. 11/3/17: Analyze your assigned poem:
- topic- general subject of the poem; one word or a short phrase
- poetic idea- what the poet is trying to communicate about the topic; theme
- figurative language- identify and explain how poetic devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.) contribute to the poetic idea.
- NEW UNIT: Fiction Analysis
- NOTE: I am keeping a running list of terms you are responsible for knowing and being able to apply. You can check that list here.
- Fiction terms notes: PLOT #1-6
- In-class reading: "We Show What We Have Learned" by Clare Beams
- Identify and mark on the story where the sections of plot shift.
- HW due Wed. 11/1/17:
- Mark and annotate your copy of "We Show What We Have Learned" for character analysis of Ms. Swenson. This means you will identify key words / phrases / sections of the story and make a note about what we learn about Ms. Swenson through the description, what the author is trying to suggest to us.
- Work out your ideas on this interpretive question: What lesson was Ms. Swenson trying to teach the class? Do the children learn it? Is it a good lesson?
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- AP essay practice. On the sample prompt, make notes that show you have analyzed the topic and annotate the poem for ideas that would help you respond to the topic. Then, write a thesis statement at the bottom of the prompt page that fully answers the prompt. Turn in this page with your homework annotations on the poem.
- HW due Mon. 10/30/17: Read the sample essays for the prompt. Pay attention to qualities in the sample essays that are strengths and weaknesses. I will ask you to share your ideas on the three essays on Monday.
- College Admissions Essay Conferences are finishing today. You have one week from the date of your conference to put a 3rd draft in your folder. You MUST email me when it is ready as I will not get a notification that you have added the document. All college admissions essays must be finalized (final draft graded) by Friday, Nov. 10.
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- Notes on writing poetry analysis essays. [Handout]
- Practice responding to AP prompts by outlining for this week's poem.
- If you were absent, listen to the audio explanation of how to write a basic poetry analysis then work out an outline that responds to the prompt for your poem (links above). Turn in poem and outline.
- HW due Thurs. 10/26/17:
- topic- general subject of the poem; one word or a short phrase
- poetic idea- what the poet is trying to communicate about the topic; theme
- figurative language- identify and explain how poetic devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.) contribute to the poetic idea.
- College Admissions Essay Conferences are ongoing. See schedule with the link at the top of this post.
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- Annotated poems were turned in
- College Admissions Essay Conferences are ongoing. See schedule with the link at the top of this post.
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- Analyze and annotate this week's poem for class on Fri. 10/20/17
- topic- general subject of the poem; one word or a short phrase
- poetic idea- what the poet is trying to communicate about the topic; theme
- figurative language- identify and explain how poetic devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.) contribute to the poetic idea.
- 1B: "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop
- 4B: "Digging" by Seamus Heaney
- Beowulf:
- The test for sections 3 & 4 of Beowulf will be on Fri., Oct. 20. Test will also include the Halverson article and the Anglo-Saxon video series. Here are some resources for studying:
- Concluding Assignment for Beowulf - Due Sun. 10/29/17 by midnight
- College Admissions Essay Conferences are ongoing. See schedule with the link at the top of this post.
- We went to the computer lab during class to meet with the counselors for financial aid applications today. Students signed up for FAFSA ID#.
- Financial Aid Night will be Tues. 10/24/17 from 6-8 pm. The counselors and other agencies will be available to help you and your parents complete the application.
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- Analyze and annotate this week's poem for class on Fri. 10/20/17
- topic- general subject of the poem; one word or a short phrase
- poetic idea- what the poet is trying to communicate about the topic; theme
- figurative language- identify and explain how poetic devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.) contribute to the poetic idea.
- 1B: "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop
- 4B: "Digging" by Seamus Heaney
- College Admissions Essay Conferences are ongoing. See schedule with the link at the top of this post.
- We will go to the computer lab during class to meet with the counselors for financial aid applications on Wed. 10/18/17.
- Financial Aid Night will be Tues. 10/24/17 from 6-8 pm. The counselors and other agencies will be available to help you and your parents complete the application.
- Poem of the Week (POW): We worked on AP multiple choice questions for the poems. I did not collect the poems.
- College Admissions Essay Conferences are ongoing. See schedule with the link at the top of this post.
- We will go to the computer lab during class to meet with the counselors for financial aid applications on Wed. 10/18/17.
- Financial Aid Night will be Tues. 10/24/17 from 5-8 pm. The counselors and other agencies will be available to help you and your parents complete the application.
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- Analyze and annotate this week's poem for class on Thurs. 10/12/17
- topic- general subject of the poem; one word or a short phrase
- poetic idea- what the poet is trying to communicate about the topic; theme
- figurative language- identify and explain how poetic devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.) contribute to the poetic idea.
- 1B: "The Writer" by Richard Wilbur
- 4B: "To Be of Use" by Marge Piercy
- College Admissions Essays
- Your "College Admissions Essays" folder should look like this (1st draft essay with paperrater report copied to the end + new, improved 2nd draft for me to review)
- Everyone should be working on the second draft of their essays. That draft should be ready for me the day before your conference appointment. (See sign up sheet at the top of this blog entry.) Use the feedback you received from paperrater to improve your draft. Here are some other resources to help you:
- Voter Registration Cards
- See if you are eligible here
- If eligible, get a card from me and fill it out.
- Turn in completed cards to the table at both lunches Wed. through Fri. this week.
- You will get your voter card in the mail in time for you to use it on Nov. 7.
- Poem of the Week (POW):
- We discussed the poem for this week and had an opportunity to revise original poetic idea statements. Annotated poems were turned in to be graded.
- topic- general subject of the poem; one word or a short phrase
- poetic idea- what the poet is trying to communicate about the topic; theme
- figurative language- identify and explain how poetic devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.) contribute to the poetic idea.
- 1B: "How to Write a Poem" by Allen Lee Taylor
- 4B: "How to Read a Poem" by Al Zolynas
- College Admissions Essays
- Your "College Admissions Essays" folder should look like this (1st draft essay with paperrater report copied to the end + new, improved 2nd draft for me to review)
- Everyone should be working on the second draft of their essays. That draft should be ready for me the day before your conference appointment. (See sign up sheet at the top of this blog entry.) Use the feedback you received from paperrater to improve your draft. Here are some other resources to help you:
- Poem of the Week (POW): You have until Thurs. 10/5/17 to analyze and annotate the assigned poem. Focus on:
- Beowulf: HW due Thurs. 10/5/17- Review and add annotations for section 4 (to the end of the book)
- College Admissions Essays:
- Your first draft was due in class today as we used it for development in writer's workshop. Use paperrater.com to analyze your first draft. Copy the paperrater report to the end of your first draft. Make improvements and create a 2nd draft for me to evaluate.
- Your "College Admissions Essays" folder should look like this (1st draft essay with paperrater report copied to the end + new, improved 2nd draft for me to review)